A Better Version of Me
Monday, May 29, 2006
CPT, CAL, my Locality--Yeah, Right!
Check out this map of the latest non-attainment data for air quality in the United States. Sorry California, you can keep your shitty ass air. I'll stay here in Kansas where I can get all the fresh air I want--save for the occasional whiff of the local pig farm.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Relate to the Matter As I Drop the Bomb, Because I'm Housin'...on Houston
Time for some overdue New York blogging.
A week ago, Bree and I returned from our trip to NYC. We really enjoyed our time there. Friday night we saw Carlos Beltran and the Mets beat the Braves in a 14-inning marathon of a game.

Saturday we met up with Karol, Dawn and Fisch for some pizza on Houston St. (that's How-ston, not Hue-ston, the concierge at our hotel was quick to correct my bad pronunciation). Meeting them definitely highlighted the trip for me. They couldn't have been any nicer or easier to get along with. I look forward to the chance to meet up with them and other bloggers again in the future. Dawn has an excellent recap of our conversation here. I wish I'd gotten a picture with them but we left in a hurry as we did not want to be late for the play. We did arrive at "Three Days of Rain" on time and we both liked it. I got some great center orchestra seats on eBay at a super price and we couldn't have been happier with them. I know many critics haven't been the biggest fans of Julia Roberts and this production, but I enjoyed it. I'd see it over a Broadway musical anyday, but that's just my humble opinion.
Jessica was out of town, but she did bring the Five Boro Bike Tour to my attention. So, thanks to her, Bree and I got signed up in time for that event which took place on Sunday. This is me waiting for the subway train to take us down to Battery Park for the start of the tour.

While the pace wasn't the fastest (we spent about as much time walking our bikes as riding them due to congestion from the 30000+ cyclists), we had fun taking in the sites of the city from our bikes. Plus, we were able to finish the 42 mile ride with nary a flat tire or wreck. Whew! I'm too cheap to buy the action shots taken by the tour photgraphers, but you can view them here and here if you'd like.
Monday we went to the Statue of Liberty, shopped and spent some time in Central Park. All-in-all, our trip went very well. We stayed in an excellent hotel, met some excellent bloggers and got some excellent exercise. I guess you could say it was a real "triple-ex" experience! :)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
The Royals Swept A Series!
Hey Fisch, maybe you should think about trading that Indians hat in for a nice KC royal blue one. :)